
Feature & Follow (7)

Exams are over! Yes! And I think I aced most of the subjects <3 Sorry for the lack of posts this week, I was studying and I couldn't finish the books on time (The Caster Chronicles books are all huge blocks, I am surprised I can finish one in 3 days :P), so I didn't have reviews to post. Yes, I should stack up some reviews so I wouldn't have to work in a haste, but I couldn't read extra fast so 3 books a week is kind of my limit... I actually have a schedule, not that I missed a couple reviews, it was all messed up too... *sigh* It was always like that after the exams, even my desk looks like a battlefield. Well I guess you guys don't want to see me continue my rant so I'll move on to this week's question:
Q: What is a deal breaker for you in a book? For example, do you abhor love triangles? Or can’t deal with bad editing?
You know, this week's question is kind of similar to last week's question. I actually have almost the same answers. So, I will begin with the example of a DNF book: Envy by Gregg Olsen. (I actually have the review right here!) See, the deal breaker for me in a book is when it has more than 4 POVs.
I know I said I couldn't take more than 2 before, but that was just irritating, but when there is more than 4... It's horror! Things are happening all over the place, the characters are all flat, because there wasn't enough time for readers to get accustomed to one single character. Plus, like I said, I hate switching POVs! So, um, The Diviners by Libba Bray is definitely not for me. 'Nff said.

What about you guys? What can't you take in a book than will make you drop it like hot coal? I must apologize again for the lack of posts this week! Sorry guys, <3 you! ;)


  1. I often feel the same way about multiple storylines. If there are too many parallel stories going on at once, it can be hard to concentrate on any of them!

    BUT I have found books that feature this element that I love. And I would like to read The Diviners.

    New follower!
    My FF

    1. Yeah, I get confused sometimes too. I keep asking questions like, where was the story going? Why are there so many storylines? What are the main focus here?

      People said Libba Bray is a good author, I just bought A Great and Terrible Beauty, if I like it, I might actually try The Diviners :)

      Thanks for following, followed back ;)

  2. I get that! It can be confusing when there's wayyy too many POVs. You lose sense of the story and can't really connect with the characters. I can deal with 2 no problem, 3 or 4 is doable as well. But when there's more, it's pushing it!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Agreed!

      Thanks for coming back again, and for commenting ;)

  3. I'm completely the same way! More than 2 POVs and I'm confused!

    - New follower! ^^

    1. Glad we share the same thought ;)

      Thanks for following, followed back :)

  4. I love multiple POVs, but they have to be CLEARLY changing. I've read books that don't have any sort of division. When it's all told in first person, not gonna work!

    1. Yeah, I think the author had to at least tell me the character's name when they changed POVs. Of course, not all multiple POVs books are bad, some books have two parallel storylines and it ended in a big clash which was really satisfying. In that case the multiple POVs are acceptable and understandable.

      Thanks for commenting :)

  5. I don't mind multiple POVs as long as they're done well, but I've read some that got confusing too, so I totally get it. Great answer. :D Old follower via GFC. My FFs are at Musings on Fantasia and LKHill. Happy Friday! :D

    1. Thanks for commenting :) I guess it depends on the author and how the POVs are set up. If the various POVs all have different and unique voices, I could totally carry on with the book. Plus, some back actually develop several storylines and ended them by making them clash together which have good dynamic, those are the books worth reading!

  6. MOre then two POVs can get confusing.

    new linky follower

    -Amanda P
    Paranormal Romance

    1. Great minds think alike!

      Thanks for following, followed back :)

  7. ooOOOooohhh I like a POV switching if it works. Gives us a chance to get in the head of another character.

    New Follower via GFC. Would love for you to stop by my blog and check it out. :)

    Rainy Day Reads

  8. Well, if it wasn't too much and the characters are all likable than I usually just proceed with the book with no problem ;)

    Thanks for following! Followed back! :)

  9. I haven't read a book with more than two different POVs. I'd think that it would definitely get more confusing with more than two. I'd have to keep flipping back to try and remember who I was reading about.

    Old follower! Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian
